Home » Blog » Blogging Basics » What is a blog and how does it work? Blogging explained! [2025]


  1. Great tuition. I have now understood the difference between “a blog” and “a blog post”. I also had this misconception that once a blog article is posted, it is followed with feedback from readers and responses from the blogger. Just to be sure: so does it mean there is room or no room for exchanges between readers and the blogger??

    1. Great to hear you liked the article! Once a blog post is published, there can absolutely be a conversation between readers and the blogger in the comment section – just as we are doing now, in fact! But whether or not that happens, depends on a) if the blogger in question allows comments (not all do) and b) if readers choose to leave a comment – blog comment sections used to be very active, but since social media has grown in popularity, fewer and fewer people choose to comment on blog posts, so comment sections are much less used than in the past. Hope that helps!

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