Home » Blog » Grow your Blog » 14 things you should do AFTER you publish a new blog post


    1. Linkies, sometimes known as link parties, are an opportunity to share your posts on another blogger’s website. The linky host (typically a bigger, more established blogger) ‘hosts’ a linky on their site and invites other bloggers to add their links, which you do by clicking a link and adding your URL. Your post then shows up as a small thumbnail with the title of your post. Visitors to that linky can click on your thumbnail and will be redirected to your post. There are usually rules, such as for every post you link up you have to visit and comment on at least two others and/or share them on social media. It’s a great way to grow your blog traffic, get comments and get your posts pinned and shared on social media.

  1. Hi Eb,
    super checklist of things to do after publishing a blog post.
    And outlined like that it seems easy. And it is easy! Except for internal linking which is very time consuming and tedious.You have to find a dozen suitable posts, then edit each to include a link, then update…
    It’s very boring to me and I am soon to invest in Link Whisper, which is a plugin that automates internal linking.
    Cant wait:)

    1. Thanks Nikola! Though have to say, I would slightly disagree with you on the internal linking thing. Google uses your internal linking structure to understand the relative importance of you blog posts. It sees a post with lots of internal links pointing to it as more important than a post with just a few internal links pointing to it. So if your post is just a normal post, I would recommend just linking back from 2 or 3 other blog posts. However, if your content is cornerstone content, THEN I would recommend linking back from many more posts – this will help Google understand that your cornerstone posts are the most important posts on your site and this in turn will help you rank better on Google. In particular cornerstone content (with lots of internal links pointing to it) will help you rank for normally hard to rank for search terms. For more info on cornerstone content, check out this post >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/cornerstone-content-increase-blog-traffic/ and for more info on internal linking, check out this post >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/blog-site-structure-seo/ Hope that helps – and especially hope that helps reduce your workload going forward! Eb 🙂

  2. Hey EB,

    First of all, thank you for sharing the blog post promotion checklist.

    Most of the things you suggested, I’m already doing.

    But, the “photo-sharing website” trick is new for me. Will going to implement it in my blog promotion strategy for sure.

  3. Hey!
    I tried to get my posts on Insta and to actively take part on events n stuff to get the word out but it’s just too much of work for one platform. Managing all of them sounds clearly impossible, if I want to keep my blog posts going and have a social life myself haha
    I tend to get too addicted to Social Media anyway. Dunno how to manage all of them on my own. Maybe I can figure something out here

    1. My advice with social media is ‘be present’ on the main ones, but don’t spend too much time there. Ideally, automate as much as you can, by using a tool like CoSchedule. To give you an idea, I spend less than 10mins per day on social media. In my experience you get a far better ROTI (Return On Time Invested) if you focus the majority of your time on SEO and email marketing. And try to avoid getting sucked into the social media vortex. It’s specifically designed to be highly addictive so the social media overlords make more money! Personally I check in once a day and give myself a time limit… and I do it late in the day when I’ve already done my much more important ‘focus work’ and I can’t use social media as a procrastination tool. You might find this post useful >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/how-to-plan-your-day-for-maximum-productivity/ and also this one >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/how-to-stay-focused/

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