How to start a PROFITABLE blog in 2025 (plus FREE 7 week blog plan!)
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Want to start a profitable blog in 2025 but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you already have a blog, but you still haven’t made any money yet? In this post I show you the steps you need to take to go from zero to a profitable blog in 2025!
Do you want to start a profitable blog in 2025?
Are you thinking of starting a blog in 2025? Or do you have a blog already and 2025 is the year you want to get serious and turn your blog into a profitable business? Either way you should start to get very excited because you are about to MASSIVELY change your life for the better!
It is no secret that I am a huge fan of blogging. It has literally changed my life. I have gone from not having a clue what a blog even was, to having 2 successful blogs and a business that earns me good money every month!
I get to earn a full-time income, while being able to work from home and be there when my kiddos need me. I get to call the shots, be my own boss and work the hours I want to.
I can even work in my PJs if I really want to. (Not that I ever do, but I like having the option!)
It took me a long time to get to that point – a lot longer than it should have…
I really wish I could go back and tell my beginner blogger self everything I now know about starting a profitable blog. I could have got there so much sooner – and with a lot fewer mistakes and a lot less stress!
Well, I might not be able to go back in time to help my beginner blogger self – but I can certainly help YOU!
This post, about how to start a PROFITABLE blog in 2025, is the article I wish I had read back in May 2015 when I was just starting out on my blogging journey. It would have saved me so much time, and meant I’d have started earning decent money from blogging much, much sooner!
It would have also saved me A LOT of extra time not having to go back and fix stupid things I did in the beginning when I didn’t have a clue what I was doing!! (It took me YEARS to fix all my newbie mistakes – seriously!)
Not a ‘create a blog in 30 minutes’ type post
OK, I’ll level with you – this is not one of those ‘create a blog in 30 minutes’ type posts. Those posts only show you the very bare basics of how to create the shell of a WordPress website – how to buy and set up your little bit of internet real estate.
And, truth be told, that’s only one tiny bit of everything that goes into actually starting a profitable blog. A post that promises a blog in 30 minutes is a) grossly underestimating how long it actually takes to get set up and b) not going to be very useful unless you also read a post like this which tells you what to actually do with that blog once it’s set up!
This post is all about how you go from zero to profitable blog – step by step. I’m going to tell you EVERYTHING you need to do to start a profitable blog in 2025.
In this blog post I’m giving you a week by week, day by day schedule of everything you need to do in your first TWO WEEKS of blogging – taking you from no blog to a fully-fledged, beautifully designed website with two blog posts written and plenty of ideas about what to write about next.
FREE #ProfitableBlog2025 challenge!
Want to go beyond two weeks? Then sign up for my FREE #ProfitableBlog2025 challenge! A 7 week step-by-step plan, taking you through setting up your blog, writing EIGHT high quality blog posts, maximising your blog’s chances of making money as a soon as possible, learning the basics of SEO, learning how to promote your posts properly, building your email list and teaching you tactics to grow your blog FAST!
You’ll also get a calendar to show you at a glance what you’ll be doing each day.
Welcome to week ONE! This week is all about laying down a solid foundation for your blog, setting up your website and making it look attractive. By the end of this week you should have a fully functioning website and be well on your way to fulfilling your dreams and creating a profitable blog in 2025!
Although I’ve assigned a week and a day to each set of activities, you don’t have to stick rigidly to the plan. If you find it takes you more or less time to do the action steps, that’s fine! Go at your own pace. If you’ve downloaded the plan you can check each day off as you do it, so you can see your progress – great motivation to keep going!
The first step is to lay a solid foundation for your blog. I know what it feels like to be super excited and just want to dive in and start your blog – but that was the mistake I made first time round.
If only I had spent a short amount of time researching and planning my blog, I would have made far fewer mistakes and my blog would have been profitable far sooner!
Read => 9 essential things to do before starting a blog
Read => How to choose the right niche for your blog
Action steps
- Decide what you want to blog about
- Research blogs in that niche
- Decide on a domain name
Bonus step
Check to see if the social media usernames you want are available. It’s best to get something as close as possible to your domain name, failing that your own name is a good choice – e.g. I am @productiveblogging on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, and @ebgargano on Twitter.
Woohoo! Now you have a much better idea of what you want to blog about, it’s time to actually start your blog.
If you want to start a PROFITABLE blog in 2025 you really do need to start a self-hosted WordPress blog. Whilst it is possible to make money on other kinds of blogs, it is much, much harder.
Read => How to choose the right host for your blog
Read => How to start a successful WordPress blog – a step by step guide (steps 1-4)
Action steps
- Choose a hosting plan
- Buy your hosting
- Set up WordPress
Bonus step
Once you have your blog name, make sure you go and get the social media usernames while they are still available!
Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a brand new blog! I am so excited for you. This is a decision you are not going to regret! So long as you put the work in, you are well on the way to creating a profitable blog in 2025.
With any new venture, absolutely the hardest part is actually STARTING – and you’ve done that!! The fact you have put a little bit of money into this now will also be a great motivator… you won’t want to waste that money! Now the next step is to actually set up your brand new blog – and make it look good…
Read => How to choose the right theme for your blog
Read => How to start a successful WordPress blog – a step by step guide (steps 5-8)
Action steps
- Choose and install a theme
- Create a logo for your blog
- Install my recommended plugins
Hopefully you should be feeling extra motivated now your blog is starting to take shape. The next step is to write your ‘static’ content, that is your about me, contact me and privacy policy pages.
Read => How to start a successful WordPress blog – a step by step guide (step 9)
Action steps
- Write your ‘about me’ page
- Write your ‘contact me’ page
- Write your privacy policy
This is the final day of set up! Today you will be setting up your menus and side bar, and making sure you have the right permalink structure. This is the last step before you can start actually writing blog posts!!
Read => How to start a successful WordPress blog – a step by step guide (steps 10-12)
Action steps
- Set up your menus
- Set up your side bar
- Edit your permalink structure
MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS!!! You now have a brand new blog, and it’s already looking really good! I haven’t created a day 6 and 7 as it’s good not to blog EVERY day and also I want to make this plan realistic and achievable.
However, if you are desperate to do more (I know how that feels – I was super excited when I first started my blog), I strongly recommend that you spend day 6 and 7 doing some more research into blogs in your niche. If you want to go one step better, you could leave a few comments too!
This week you are going to start by brainstorming ideas for your blog, before actually getting down to writing your first two blog posts!
I know how keen you must be to start writing your first blog post, but I really want to encourage you to first start by deciding on your blog’s categories and then brainstorming your blog post ideas.
Your first posts should ideally be foundation posts – sometimes called cornerstone blog posts. You should write one foundation post for each of your categories. These foundation posts are super important for SEO as they help search engines understand what your blog is about and how your blog is structured.
Read => 9 essential things to do before starting a blog (steps 3-4)
Read => How to create 52 blog post ideas in less than 2 hours
Action steps
- Choose your blog’s categories
- Brainstorm a minimum of 10 ideas for each category (more if you can!)
- Choose 1 idea from each category that will be your cornerstone blog post for that category
Hooray!!! Today is an exciting day because today you will start writing your first blog post! Please don’t stress about this first blog post being ‘perfect’. Chances are it won’t be – but that’s the beauty of blogging, you can always go back and improve on it at a later date when you are more experienced. For now, just make your aim to get something written and ‘out there’.
One other tip I will give you – no one is going to read your first draft, so give yourself permission to write a ‘terrible’ first draft. When you have finished it, go back and edit it to improve it. It’s much easier to write first then edit. If you try to edit as you go along, it will be harder and much slower!
Read => How to start a successful WordPress blog – a step by step guide (steps 13)
Read => The 10 essential elements of a successful blog post
Action steps
- Pick one of your cornerstone blog post ideas to be your first blog post
- Write a first draft of that blog post
- Re-read your first draft and try to improve it
Well done for writing your first blog post. Today you will be publishing it on your blog! It can be a bit nerve-wracking publishing your first blog post. But don’t worry, nothing scary happens – in fact most likely no-one will read it (except perhaps your mum or your OH!). I don’t say that to discourage you, but rather encourage you! If you know no one will read it, it makes it less scary.
Again, I want to remind you not to worry about your blog post being ‘perfect’. Just get it out there. There’s plenty of time to go back and improve upon it later when you have written lots of blog posts and know better what you are doing.
Read => How to write your first blog post
Read => The 10 essential elements of a successful blog post
Action steps
- Re-read your second draft and try to improve it again
- Give your text one final proofread
- Copy and paste the text into WordPress – make sure you give your post a title
- Edit the URL
- Use H2 tags for subheadings (use H3 for sub-sub headings)
- Add a few photos and/or graphics (see tip)
- Make sure you have selected the right category and chosen a featured image
- Press ‘publish’!!!
- Check your post looks ok on the ‘front end’ by clicking on the URL
You can get really good FREE images to illustrate your blog posts from Pexels and Pixabay. Use PicMonkey* or Canva to edit them and make great graphics. Never copy and paste images from the web to illustrate your posts – all images are copyrighted. (Free image sites like Pexels and Pixabay are fine to use freely though!)
Congratulations on writing and publishing your first post. The first post is always the hardest! From here on in it’s much easier. Use Days 4 and 5 to go through the same process to write your second post. Again, choose one of your cornerstone blog post ideas to write about.
If you feel a bit stuck, don’t worry! I’ve included a post on overcoming writer’s block in your reading today!
Read = > 17 tips to overcome writer’s block for bloggers
Read = > How to edit a blog post (tips from an ex English teacher turned blogger)
Action steps
- Pick one of your cornerstone blog post ideas to be your second blog post
- Write a first draft of that blog post
- Re-read your first draft and try to improve it
- Publish your second blog post (don’t forget headings, photos etc.)
A BIG WELL DONE for getting to the end of your second week and publishing your first TWO blog posts! You have done a massive amount in your first two weeks, and really set your blog up for success.
Again, I am not setting any specific tasks for day 6 and 7, but if you want to do some extra work you could either do some more research/commenting on blogs or write and publish another cornerstone blog post!
FREE #ProfitableBlog2025 challenge!
Want to go beyond the first two weeks? Then sign up for my FREE #ProfitableBlog2025 CHALLENGE! A full 7 week schedule, taking you through setting up your blog, writing EIGHT high quality blog posts, maximising your blog’s chances of making money as a soon as possible, learning the basics of SEO, learning how to promote your posts properly, building your email list and teaching you tactics to grow your blog FAST!
This is what you’ll be doing in weeks 3-7…
You’ll also get a calendar to show you at a glance what you’ll be doing each day.
- The advantages and disadvantages of blogging in 2025
- 9 essential things to do before starting a blog
- 35 BIG mistakes new bloggers make (and how to fix them!)
- 61 things I wish had known before I started blogging
- How much does it REALLY cost to start a blog in 2025?
Don’t miss a thing!
Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Or why not subscribe to Productive Blogging and get blogging and productivity tips straight to your inbox every week?
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*This blog post contains affiliate links, this means if you click on a link and go on to buy the product I recommend, I will get a small commission, but you will not be charged a penny more – thanks in advance!
Bonsoir, je viens juste de découvrir votre blog, certes, que je trouve très intéressant surtout pour un débutant. Enfin, bonne continuation. Merci.
Hi! Thanks for this lovely comment. I’m so pleased you are finding my blog helpful! Eb 🙂
Hi Eb,
Thank you so much for your step-by-step guide to starting a blog. Since I’m already running 2 websites with squarespace, I sticked to it for my blog as well. But your guide helped me a lot to figure out how to start. I know it will take massive commitment and work to get successful but I’m glad that my blog is up and running (week 5) Hope you’ll get the chance to check it out 🙂
Thank you again for offering such great help! Love the design of your site! 🙂
Cya, Ray!
Hi Ray, thank you for this lovely message 😀 Your blog looks great – I am so pleased that this guide has helped you! Eb 🙂
Loving your blog, Ive probably read 20 posts so far. It’s a lot but they are all so useful.
I was wondering where i can see the next 5 weeks? It says to “sign up for my FREE #ProfitableBlog2020 challenge!” but idk where.
Really hoping it is hard to find right now so I didn’t waste ur time with a stupid question… haha
Hi Thomas! Aw, I am so happy to hear you are enjoying my blog so much and finding it so useful. To sign up for the challenge and get the next 5 weeks, simply type your first name and email address into the light blue form above where it says FREE PROFITABLE BLOG 2020 CHALLENGE, hit the gold download button and I will send it to you via email. No such thing as a stupid question – that gold button does not make it clear that you will get the challenge via email. This post is due for an update in a few weeks (to make it ready for 2021) and I’ll be sure to try and make how to get the rest of the challenge clearer when I do that. Eb 🙂
Thank you for a very informative blog. I think this is going to be super helpful to me. My blog is only 5 weeks old. At least I feel reassured that I have done the first things right to get started by myself- ie self hosted site with SiteGround and I have purchased the Foodie Pro theme on the Genesis Framework. I have set up my email news letter, social media accounts and icons, installed Yoast, Google Analytics but I am struggling to publish my first post. I have two posts and my about page which have been in draft form for four weeks and I know I am procrastinating but now you have inspired me. I am going to get them finished and posted on New Years Day. Yikes. Only two days away. Thank you for being an inspiration. I am really looking forward to working hard on my blog in 2021 ?
Aw, good to hear you have found this helpful and that it has given you confidence that you have started off on the right foot. I would definitely encourage you to post your new blog posts ASAP! The sooner you publish them, the sooner Google will start to notice you and rank you. New Year’s Day sounds a great day to start! Don’t worry about your posts not being ‘perfect’ – they almost certainly won’t be. But that’s the joy of blogging… you can go back to your early posts later on and improve on them when you have more experience. Blogging is something you definitely learn by doing! Good luck and let me know how you get on. Eb 🙂
Loving this guide! I’m working through the first week and can’t imagine what I would do without it!
Yay! I am so pleased to hear this. Good luck and let me know how you get on! Eb 🙂
Your blog is a refreshing oasis of inspiration in a busy online world.
I started my blogging journey since 2021 and I’m still facing some tough challenges. However, reading your blog post has given more hope and excitement to continue my journey as a blogger.
Even though I’ve gain some experience in blogging, your free guide is rich of helpful tips.
Honestly, I was not consistent working on improving my blog. Now, I don’t have any excuse not to.
Thanks for your hard work.
Great to hear! You are very welcome 😀