Home » Blog » Blogging Basics » Start a Blog » 9 essential things to do before starting a blog in 2025


  1. What wonderful suggestions and a wealth of information! Thank you so much for this post! You may have just convinced me to finally start my first blog

    1. Oh Debi, thank you for this lovely comment! You’ve just made my day 😀 I do hope you start a blog now, and if you do – come back here and let me know where to find it so I can visit! Eb 🙂

  2. I have just started a blog and it appears so overwhelming now ? that I was thinking to quit. But I would start again with step by step guidance that you have beautifully put in your blogs.

  3. I have plans to start a blog for my electrical website but still I have a lot of confusion. After reading your blog I have got lots of ideas about blogs. Thank you for sharing a fabulous suggestion.

  4. Eb, hello! First, thank you so much for this awesome article, it is the third one I’ve read. I feel like I’ve gone down a blogging rabbit hole and I love it 😄 Regarding choosing a domain, are dashes acceptable? I just so happened to choose a premium domain that costs $1200 and the only way I can think of to be able to use the name and as a .com is to use a dash. I look forward to your response! Thank you

    1. Aw, I always feel like I have done my job well when someone tells me they feel like they have fallen down a rabbit hole on my blog! To be completely honest, I would avoid dashes. It’s not the worst thing in the world, but they can cause problems and it makes it harder to give your blog name verbally to someone / for them to remember. And I wouldn’t pay $1200 for a name unless there was a very good reason. If it were me, I’d go back to the drawing board and try to come up with something equally good (or better!) Case in point, when I was choosing the name for this blog I really wanted purposefulblogging.com – but that was a premium domain with a similarly large price tag… Long story short, I ended up choosing productiveblogging.com instead and I am so pleased I did, because I much prefer Productive Blogging!

  5. Woow! 👏
    Impressive! It is a great post full of great ideas about how to blog. I found everything I needed. I am confident, and I can now go the right direction to start my first blog. Thanks a lot. 🙏

  6. Great post, thank you! I’m finding out so much from your blog. However, after reading points 8 and 9 I’m not sure whether to use my planned domain name (which I have already bought!) for my female finance blog. When I type the name of my blog into Google as suggested in point 8, there is not an exact match blog name but another established blog in the same niche with a very similar name comes up in all of the results (although this mainly targets the US market with a small section for the UK, I will primarily be targeting the UK). If I type the name into YouTube the same thing happens. It doesn’t appear when I search on Facebook but a page appears with the exact name I planned to use (although it looks like there has never been anything done with it). Is it ok to use a blog name that has a very similar name in the same niche or will I be breaching some sort of legal rules? Even if this isn’t an issue is it a bad idea from a ranking perspective? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

    1. Thank you – that’s so lovely to hear! I am not a lawyer, so I can’t advise you on the legal side of things. But personally I would not take that risk. If they are a big, well-established blog, they may have the means to threaten you with legal action. (Whether they would win or not, I have no idea.) Also, from an SEO/marketing stance it’s not a great move to try and go up against someone who already has an established business with a very similar name. Personally, if it were me, I’d pick something else. Hope that helps! Eb 🙂

  7. Hi Eb. This was a great read! I’m a gamer and wanted to start a blog about a few of the games I play. I’m struggling with the URL name, because I’m torn between using my gamer tag, Babawaloosie (lol), being in the URL and the number of games I want to blog about. Your info regarding URL names was very helpful. Hopefully, I’ll figure it out and get started. I’ve been keeping a private journal that’s full of content, so need to get the setup stuff done first and then I’m good to go. 🙂 Thanks for all of the information!

  8. OMG, thank you! I learn so many things from a single post! I was planning to start a personal blog for my 30 under 30 bucket list, and i’m so overwhelmed with information i found on the internet. Honestly, you gave me a structured roadmap for what kind of blog i want to start. My goal is to share little things that happened in life, maybe create a small community with like minded individuals and go from there. Who knows, maybe i could make a profit out of it and take control of my own career. So exciting! Thank you so much!

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