Home » Blog » Monetize your Blog » How long does it take to make money blogging in 2025? (Statistics from the Blogging Income Survey)


  1. Hi Eb, thank you so much for your website! I retired exactly one year ago from an almost 40 year career at a national healthcare company. I will be blogging on workplace skills that are needed by early and mid career individuals.

    I will be designing my WordPress site as a next step. Can you please give advice or write an article on to what extent and how new bloggers need to comply with cookie and privacy laws?

    Thank you again for your great content.

    1. Hi Luis, Thank you for your kind words! I have deliberately not written on cookie and privacy laws as I am not a lawyer and it is not my area of expertise. But the simple answer is, as I understand it, the 3 main things you need to do as a blogger is a) Have a privacy policy (You can take a look at my privacy policy for an example >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/privacy-policy/) b) Have a cookie notice for certain jurisdictions (I use this one >>> https://wordpress.org/plugins/cookie-law-info/) and c) Ensure that you are clear about what people are signing up for when they join your mailing list. Again, I must stress I am not a lawyer and this is just my understanding and not in any way shape or form legal advice. Good luck with your new blog! Eb

  2. Thank you for this, it shows just how much work goes into blogging and that it’s not a get rich quick game like many people think.

  3. Hey Eb, it’s a great article for those who want to start a new blog. I have been struggling for the past two years to gain success in the blogging field. I have started many things, such as micro niche blogging, affiliate blogs, and tech blogs, but nothing has worked. I have also learned SEO. I think consistency is what I lack. Can you guide me on how to be consistent when writing a blog?

    And yes, it’s a big NO for people who ask to start a blog with AI-generated content because I have wasted almost one year starting three AI-generated content blogs, but nothing worked for me.

    1. Yes, I agree – consistency is important. But also doing the right things. Being consistent at doing the wrong things won’t help you either. But consistently showing up every day and working on the right things is the path to success. So, I would start by following a solid plan (For example, my 7 week Blog Plan >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/start-a-profitable-blog/ or if your more advanced than that then DPSA would be a good fit >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/DPSA) and then you just need to show up every day and do a bit more work on that plan. I am afraid there’s no magic formula, you just show up and do the work, and little by little you get to where you want to be. That said, I do have a few tips to help with consistency, you can find them here >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/blog-consistently/. I wish you all the best with it! Eb 🙂

  4. Quite inspiring post. Been blogging for almost 2 years and wasn’t making money just yet(don’t do ads, just affiliate banners here and there, minimally, to avoid annoying the users) and was worried/thinking about giving up, but this helped me change my mind

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