Home » Blog » Grow your Blog » SEO Tips » A beginner’s guide to SEO for bloggers [2025]


  1. What a great article! I am a new blogger who is very confused by SEO. You have explained the basics in a way that is easy to understand. I feel this post is a great start to me learning more about the topic. Thank you!

  2. An article that is jam packed with great information…! Will be reading this post and others from your blog many times as I begin my blog…thank you so much for all this valuable information..!

  3. Thanks Eb for all the hard work and the knowledge you have put in this, so many things I didn’t know about seo that kept me retarded, Now I have a great roadmap to follow. I have also bookmarked your blog on my fav bar because I will need to build one like yours, I won’t plagiarise though, lol.

  4. This has been a really extensive guide for SEO, thanks a lot! Tho I still have a lot of questions about backlinks, do you have another guide for it? For example, how many good backlinks should be enough? I’m sure quality is the most important, but how many is considered a lot and how many are considered too few?

    1. Thanks for this kind comment Carlo. With backlinks it’s best not to think in absolute terms, but rather constantly seek to increase your backlink profile over time. One of the best pieces of advice I can give for this is to regularly create quality content that will earn you natural backlinks (the best kind!). The other advice I would give is not to focus so much on backlinks that you don’t pay enough attention to ‘on page’ SEO. Whilst backlinks take time and are dependent on others, all the other parts of SEO are within your control and are much quicker to implement. Hope that helps! Eb 🙂

  5. Thank you for all the information! SEO is one of my biggest hurdles as a new blogger and you’ve made it seem very manageable. One thing I have yet to figure out is how to find other bloggers to do linkups and roundups to participate with. Do you have any recommendations? Thanks again!

  6. Hi Eb Gargano,
    This is Bharathi From India. i’m New one for SEO. your articles was Really had a good stuff.. and useful. already i tried 67 % of you said in this post. i want try all tips.
    Thank you so much..!

  7. Olá Eb Gargano meu nome é Claudemir, gostaria muito de fazer seu curso de SEO porém não entendo quase nada de inglês gostaria de saber se tem algum maneira de fazer o curso obrigado aguardo uma resposta.

    1. Olá Claudemir! Eu não falo muito português, então estou usando o Google Tradutor para me ajudar… Meu curso obviamente é todo em inglês, mas a maior parte dele é texto escrito, não vídeo. E os vídeos têm transcrições. Assim, você pode copiar e colar cada seção no Google Tradutor. Não é o ideal, mas se você realmente quer fazer o meu curso, é a melhor maneira que posso pensar!

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