Home » Blog » Grow your Blog » SEO Tips » 17 reasons why your blog post is not ranking on Google (And how to fix them!)


  1. Thank you SO MUCH for putting this blog post together! No kidding, this is as comprehensive as some PAID courses I’ve taken. Wish I had found this sooner. This truly is everything you need to know about ranking.

  2. Thanks a lot for the above tips. Very few of my pages have been ranking and I’ve been wondering why the rest don’t rank. Thanks for the tips as I intend to rectify my errors.

  3. Outstanding! really loved your content, but I think I have some kinda complicated issue, so here is the thing, recently I purchased an expired domain, did tons of research and posted really high-quality content, and within 24 hours my first and second posts were ranking in top 10, but after 3 days it totally vanished from result page for that keyword, no matter if I check it putting “allintitle:posttitle”, it doesn’t show up, instead, now homepage ranks for it, and I have checked everything, my domain has no issue no penalty from google or anything like that, and now none of my post out of 20 ranks for there targeted keyword, although I have SEO score of 90 for all of them in rankmath plugin, so now I don’t know what to do, looking forward for your response, thanks.

    1. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I would not expect a new website to be ranking well on Google. Although you purchased an expired domain, Google will very much see your website as brand new and treat it accordingly. The fact that you ranked top 10 in the first 24 hours was probably Google doing some kind of testing – that’s certainly not normal on a brand new website. As I mention in point 4 above, I’m afraid the remedy is to be patient… you may have to wait 3-6 months before you start ranking on Google. I recommend you read everything you can about SEO and publish as much high quality content as you can. Producing lots of high quality content, focusing on building topical authority and ensuring your whole website is optimized for SEO are the best ways to speed up the process. Eb 🙂

  4. I am wondering if it is because I lost some of my backlinks or because of something else I don’t know. This guide is really helpful at correcting some of my mistakes, thank you.

    1. That’s unlikely. Losing one or two backlinks here and there doesn’t usually make much of a difference to rankings. Hope this post helped you diagnose the problem! Eb 🙂

  5. What if your website was ranking in the top 3 on Google, as well as Bing and Duck Duck Go, but then your blog completely disappears on google, yet is still ranked top 3 on other search engines. I just don’t understand. My blog wasn’t new and it just disappeared from Google all together. I can find it when I use search via site: , but not when I Google the keyword. I was generating great passive income via an affiliate link each month for years and now as of May 2024, absolutely nothing. All I see is Amazon, Wal-Mart and Etsy ranking top 3 for content that is not even relevant to the keyword.

    1. Have you checked to see if you’ve been given a manual action from Google, in Google Search Console? That’s the first thing I’d check. A lot of sites have also been negatively affected by the March 2024 update and Helpful Content Update. These updates covered quality, helpfulness, UX and E-E-A-T. It’s widely considered that many ‘good’ sites have been accidentally hit by these and even Google acknowledge that their update might have been a bit overzealous and hit sites that were doing everything ‘right’. I’d first check to see if you are doing everything right in these 4 areas (see links pasted below) but if you you are doing everything 100% right then I’m afraid it’s just a case of sitting tight and waiting for the next Google update. Hope that helps. Eb 🙂


  6. Hi Eb,
    I came across your article and found it very useful. I purchased a website domain two years ago. But I started publishing new articles from August last week of this year, 2024.
    Till now I have uploaded 5 articles and I checked each post’s URL. Unfortunately, Google has not indexed any of them, though I have applied some of the on-page SEO tactics, such as following primary and secondary keyword planning and heading settings.
    I will be grateful if you could kindly check my website for improvements.

    1. Thanks for your kind words about my article 😀

      I can tell you straight off that if you’ve only just started publishing articles THAT is the number 1 reason why you are not ranking yet. When you purchased your domain is pretty much irrelevant, it’s all about when you started publishing content. And if you’ve only been publishing articles since August 2024, that’s way too soon to be ranking. See point 4 for more about this.

      I did take a quick peek at your website and I can see right off the bat another big problem – you are writing about 5 almost completely unrelated topics. That kind of approach worked in the past, but it won’t work in 2024. Google has specifically called out this practice. You can find out more about this in this post >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/helpful-content-update/ (under ‘niche down’ and also ‘be an expert’).

      Topical authority is becoming increasingly important – you should pick one tight niche and aim to become known as the go-to expert in that niche, rather than trying to write about all sorts of unrelated topics. Here is an article about that >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/topical-authority/

      Another thing I noticed is that you are writing posts on topics which have high competition – topics you, as a new blogger, don’t stand a chance of ranking for. Learn to do good keyword research and start out targeting much less competitive keywords – work up to higher competition keywords as you grow in expertise and authority. Here is an article about that >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/how-to-use-keysearch-for-keyword-research/

      Hope that helps!

  7. Thank you so much Eb for your valuable feedback. I shall focus on your suggestions to make my website work. Thank you again.

  8. Just what I needed to read! Been pulling my hair out wondering why my latest blog posts aren’t getting any Google love. Really appreciate how this breaks down all the potential issues – opened my eyes to several SEO mistakes I’ve been making. Going to work through this checklist and fix those ranking problems. Thanks for helping us bloggers navigate the mysterious world of Google rankings! 🎯

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