Home » Blog » Grow your Blog » SEO Tips » What does the Yoast SEO plugin actually do? [2025]


  1. I’ve been slowly working my way through my Posts with Yoast to improve my sites SEO. However, you’ve brought/explained several things that sound good and need to be checked out too! Thanks for a very useful Post 🙂

    1. Who’d think before this post there was so much more about Yoast- WOW, so informative and I am so grateful for Eb and Productive Blogging!

  2. I’ve been going through my Yoast settings and double checking them- and with every post I do I am taking more time to be sure of links, and keywords and more and trying to use Yoast as my guideline and getting those green lights (and a few orange lights to be honest) but WOW, Eb what a great post. It definitely is worth taking some time to really read and understand what Yoast really does- and re reading it to make sure I really get there gist of Yoast capabilities and how, what I can or need to do to get the most of Yoast!

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for your guide. My site is performing very poorly, so I was wandering if free Yoast SEO plugin can help with ranking or is there something am not doing right?

    1. The free Yoast SEO plugin is a tool you can use to help you improve your SEO (and therefore rankings). You should definitely use an SEO plugin, for all the reasons listed above. However, just installing Yoast SEO won’t magically improve your SEO. First, you need to configure the plugin correctly and then you need to use it to help you optimize your blog posts for your chosen keywords and also readability. But also, there is so much more to SEO that what Yoast can do. I recommend you read this blog post to understand all the different parts of SEO: https://www.productiveblogging.com/beginners-guide-seo/

  4. Hi Eb, so I’ve started on my blogging journey thanks to you! I’m following your guidance and am continuing to learn more day by day, but I have to say – this is way more confusing than I thought it might be! Question for you: I’m using the free version of Yoast. As long as I have two green lights (SEO & readability), I’m ok to publish, correct? Here’s why I ask – it seems like I never use enough transition words! But if I resolve all of the other issues it locates and just suggests I use more, I get a green light. Do I need to resolve everything or am I good to go with two greens??? Thanks!

    1. Good question! OK, so ideally you are aiming for green overall. But each section doesn’t have to be green. However – and this is really important – it doesn’t do anything magical. It’s a helpful guide to help you optimize your blog post for your keyphrase and for readability. But it’s a tool, not something to be slavishly followed to the letter. Use it’ suggestions to help you improve your text, but if you think one of the suggestions would actually make your text worse for your reader, don’t do it just because Yoast told you to. Ultimately what matters is – is it a good and helpful article for your reader?

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