Blogging is changing. Here’s what you need to do to succeed at blogging in 2025 and beyond.
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Given all the negativity swirling around at the moment, it’s easy to feel discouraged. But let me reassure you. Blogging is far from dead. And it’s still 100% possible to make good money from blogging. That said, blogging is changing. Here’s what you need to do to succeed at blogging in 2025 and beyond.
Lately, I’ve been getting the same questions over and over…
“Is blogging FINALLY dead?”
“Is SEO a waste of time?”
“Should I just cut my losses and give up now?”
Given all the negativity swirling around at the moment, it’s easy to feel discouraged.
But let me reassure you.
Blogging is far from dead. And it’s still 100% possible to make good money from blogging.
That said, the blogging landscape is constantly evolving.
The biggest mistake you can make is assuming that what worked has worked well in the last 5 years is the strategy you should follow over the next 5 years.
It isn’t.
Having run an online business since 2015, I’ve seen traffic sources come and go, monetization strategies change and algorithms shift.
Each new change brings about a wave of panic, but one thing stays constant…
The bloggers who thrive are the ones who embrace change and adapt their strategies.
The bloggers who fail are the ones who stick their heads in the sand and keep on doing the same things that have worked for them in the past.
Here’s my take on the current situation…
Blogging is changing. Here’s what you need to do to succeed at blogging in 2025 and beyond.
1. Google is still a good source of traffic and it’s still worth working on your SEO
While the HCU, recent Google core algorithm updates and AI Overviews have hit many bloggers hard, Google is still one of the best sources of traffic.
So don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Ensure you have strong SEO foundations. Don’t neglect keyword research. Keep creating high quality content that is truly helpful. And keep working on your E-E-A-T.
2. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket – especially not Google’s!
That said, relying on Google for your entire income is definitely not the path to success. As one of my favourite quotes goes…
“Never put all your eggs in one basket. Especially not Google’s. Relying on any one channel for all, or nearly all, of your traffic and income is not a business plan. It is a gamble. Never leave yourself at the mercy of any one channel. or platform – because you have no control over a third party. If one algorithm change can wipe out your entire business overnight, you’re doing it wrong.”
Diversification is key. Don’t rely solely on any one platform for your traffic and income. Spread your efforts across multiple channels to reduce risk and protect your business from future algorithm changes.
3. The Google Traffic + Ads model of blogging is getting harder and harder to succeed at
Not only is the Google+Ads model of blogging inherently risky, it’s also just getting harder and harder to successfully make a living that way.
In many ways the Google+Ads model has become a victim of its own success. The fact that is has been such a great way to make a fairly passive income for so long has led to a massive increase in competition.
So, even if you don’t get hit by an algorithm update, you could easily get hit by a bigger, more authoritative site swooping in and ‘stealing’ your top 20 keywords.
4. Convert ‘borrowed’ traffic into ‘owned’ traffic
No matter whether you get your traffic from Google, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X or YouTube… it’s all BORROWED traffic. You don’t own it, you have no control over it and one algorithm change could decimate it.
Your email list is the only traffic source you truly own. So, if you want to future-proof your blogging business, prioritize building a strong email list and engaging with your subscribers, so that you will always have a direct line of communication with your audience that will be completely unaffected by any future algorithm changes.
READ MORE >>> A beginner’s guide to email marketing for bloggers + free challenge
READ MORE >>> Why you should never build your business on rented land (and what to do instead!)
5. Every blogger should be diversifying into digital products
The RPMs for digital products are 10X the RPMs for ads. This is really significant. It means you don’t need the massive traffic volumes that only Google can provide in order to make a decent full-time income.
Diversifying into digital products therefore significantly reduces your reliance on Google. But is also opens up other traffic sources that are just not viable if you monetize with ads, but are often really excellent options if you monetize via digital products.
Things like guesting on podcasts, speaking at summits, participating in bundles, Facebook ads, list swaps, JV webinars… even social media and Pinterest.
READ MORE >>> How to build a successful digital product business: The 7 essential ingredients that will take you to $100K and beyond!
6. Act now
Something I’m hearing a lot at the moment is “I’m doing OK at the moment – I’ll worry about all that in the future if and when I get hit.”
But here’s the thing… Building a successful digital product based business is not something you can turn on overnight. It actually takes quite a long time.
Depending on where you are now (how much traffic you get, how strong your email list is, how engaged your audience is), it can take 6 months to a year.
If you get hit by the next Google algorithm update, do you really want to wait a year before you are earning money from your blog again?
And also, if you move right now, you’ll be moving before most other bloggers and so, if and when there’s some almighty shock in the future (the next Google update, new developments in AI etc.), you’ll be established when others start flooding into the market, which will give you a massive competitive advantage.
READ MORE >>> 10 reasons why you should start selling digital products in 2025
READ MORE >>> Why every blogger should diversify into digital products NOW – before it’s too late!
Don’t do this!
I know some people might be thinking “Oh it’s not that bad – you’re just saying all this because you have a membership to sell.”
I’m really not. I’m saying this stuff because I genuinely care. I don’t want to see bloggers fail. I don’t want to see bloggers watch all their hard work go down the toilet. And I really really don’t want to see bloggers go bankrupt or have to go back to 9-5 jobs they hated.
I’ve been saying this stuff for over a year now. Long before I even had the idea for Digital Product Success Academy! In fact, I created DPSA precisely because I could see the writing on the wall for the Google+Ads model and I wanted to do something to help.
Of course, I’d love you to join us inside DPSA – you’ll get a step-by-step program which covers with all of this and more, and a hugely supportive community of likeminded business owners to motivate and encourage you along the way.
But the most important thing is that you don’t stick your head in the sand and pretend like nothing’s happening. That is a guaranteed path to failure.
Sit up and take note of what’s going on and do something about it – join DPSA, join someone else’s program, figure it out using a bunch of Google searches and YouTube videos if you must, but don’t do nothing!
Want to finally be free from worrying about Google? Do this!
Want to finally be free from worrying about Google? Then come on over and join us in the DPSA, where you’ll get my step-by-step roadmap to help you build a thriving digital product business and finally be free from worrying about Google, plus a hugely supportive community of likeminded business owners to motivate and encourage you along the way.
DPSA is for you, if you want to…
👉 Earn more from the traffic you already have: Digital product RPMs are considerably better than RPMs from ads, affiliates and sponsored posts.
👉 Stop worrying about whether you’ll be wiped out in the next Google algorithm update: Because you don’t need those crazy-high pageviews, selling digital products makes you A LOT less dependent on Google.
👉 Be ahead of the curve: If future Google updates are bad for bloggers, guess what every blogger will be doing to try and get back the income they have lost? Get ahead of the curve by starting NOW!
👉 Have a less precarious business: If you get the majority of your traffic from Google and the majority of your income from ads, you don’t need me to tell you that is a very precarious place to be… Diversifying into digital products reduces risk and increases income – so it’s a win-win!
👉 Have a lot of fun along the way: Join a community of like-minded bloggers and online business owners who are all working towards the same goal!
If this resonates with you and you’re ready to take your blogging business to the next level, click here to find out more!
Wondering what DPSA is like ‘on the inside’, I’ve recently published a whole bunch of testimonials
Here’s just a flavour…
“Thanks to Eb and DPSA, my first lead magnet, a project on my do-to-list since forever ago, is finally live!
But what’s surprising me the most is how much faster I’m learning to create content, as each task is broken down into manageable chunks. The fact that I created three supporting blog posts in three days is a personal record for me.
Eb’s tips about a thank you page (something I hadn’t even considered!) have given me brilliant ‘time on page’ stats compared to my recipe posts – which can only help my overall site!
And the support from the community is incredible. Eb and several other members have got me out of multiple tech and idea jams this past month. I just love it!”
Cheryl Whyte,
“Joining the membership was exactly what I needed to push myself to fill gaps in my knowledge and deepen my understanding of effective and successful digital products. The structured approach is perfect for anyone who thrives on deadlines and enjoys a clear roadmap.
Yet, what sets this academy apart is Eb, the incredible course leader. Eb has made the content accessible and flexible, allowing anyone to learn at their own pace without feeling overwhelmed.
The community of fellow students is also incredibly supportive and motivating, they are all so eager to help and answer questions. A great course with a great teacher clearly attracts great people, making this membership even more valuable!”
Ieva Greber,
- 10 ways to increase your blogging income in 2025
- How to future-proof your blog
- How much do bloggers REALLY earn in 2025?
- 5 ways to boost your blogging income WITHOUT more traffic
- 10 reasons why you should start selling digital products in 2025
Don’t miss a thing!
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