I can make money out of thin air… Can you?
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Need a quick injection of cash? Could you ‘magic’ that amount of money into existence in a few days? Sounds impossible? But here’s the thing… I can! Here’s how to make money out of thin air…
OK picture this scenario…
You suddenly have a big, unforeseen bill.
Like your boiler packs in… or your car goes into the garage and it turns out it needs some major work to make it safe to drive… or your pet has an accident and needs surgery… or you suddenly get a huge tax bill you weren’t expecting.
The specifics don’t matter, but let’s say you suddenly need several thousand dollars (or pounds, or euros).
Could you ‘magic’ that amount of money into existence in a few days?
Now, I know you might be thinking… “Eb, what on earth are you on about? Nobody can magic money out of thin air!”
But here’s the thing… I can!
You see, if I suddenly need a quick injection of cash into my business, I have a dozen or more different things I could do to make that happen…
- I could create and launch a new product
- I could run a flash sale on an existing product
- I could create a new sales funnel
- I could create a new lead magnet which leads into an existing funnel
- I could write a bunch of blog posts which drive traffic to an existing lead magnet
- I could run a Facebook ad campaign to one of my lead magnets
- I could do an email list swap with another blogger where we each promote each other’s lead magnets
- I could create a new tripwire offer
- I could incentivise my affiliates to promote one or more of my products to their audience
- I could do a joint venture webinar with another blogger
- And many, many other things
You see that is the magic of running a digital product business – you can literally make money out of thin air.
Don’t believe me?
Let me give you an example of one that I’ve done dozens of times over the years…
- I write and schedule 2 emails: Email 1 – announce a flash sale, Email 2 – flash sale is ending
- I create a discount coupon in Teachable and make sure the links in both emails go to the discounted version of my sales page
- I don’t even bother with social media
Every time I do this, I can virtually guarantee I’ll make $2,000 – $3,000 – more if the offer is particularly compelling.
Not bad for less than an hour’s work!
Now, I don’t tell you this to show off – you guys know that’s not my style, right?
I’m sharing this to show you what’s possible…
That there is an alternative to feeling trapped and at the mercy of other people’s algorithms.
And to show you that you can have control over your own business and income.
What you need to make this work…
Of course you can’t do any of the above if you don’t have a product to sell on your blog!
If you don’t yet have a digital product to sell, then I recommend you start with an LTO.
LTO stands for Low Ticket Offer, and is typically an ebook.
The purpose of an LTO is not that you’ll get rich just selling one ebook on your blog, but rather an LTO is all about getting your customers over the hurdle of actually handing over cold hard cash to you for the first time.
It’s a well known fact in the digital product world that the hardest part about selling digital products is getting that first sale. Once someone has bought from you once, it’s MUCH easier to sell them other products in the future.
But that move from non-customer to customer is really hard, and that’s why you need an LTO.
READ MORE >>> What is the best digital product to sell on a blog?
READ MORE >>> What is a product ladder? (And why you need one!)
LTO + trust + deadline + discount = customer
Simply having an LTO for sale on your website is not enough to get someone to move from non-customer to customer, you need 3 other things in place:
Trust: Cold traffic rarely buys. People buy from people they know, like and trust. And that is why getting someone onto your email list is so important. From there you can nurture that new subscriber and show them that you are someone who can be trusted and someone who can deliver real value.
Deadline: But we humans are a bit rubbish when it comes to buying things – even things we know would really benefit us. We are natural procrastinators and so put off buying things until that mythical ‘one day’ in the future that never comes. That’s why deadlines work so well – when we are faced with a deadline, it forces us to make a decision – either buy or don’t buy – but doing nothing is no longer an option.
Discount: The easiest way to harness the power of deadlines is to offer a discount: ‘Buy before X date and get Y% off!’ People are irresistibly drawn to discounts – we just hate missing out on a bargain! And that’s the reason why my flash sales work so well. My products are available year round on evergreen – but I will always get a huge influx of sales whenever I offer a discount and a deadline, precisely because there is a discount and a deadline (and because I’ve spent months in advance building up trust and delivering value via my weekly email newsletters!)
I can make money out of thin air… Can you?
If you love the idea of being able to make money out of thin air, then join us inside the Digital Product Success where we cover all the different ways of doing that: from launches to flash sales, tripwires to traffic boosters, sales funnels to affiliates, we cover it all! (Plus how to create the digital products in the first place!)
Building a successful digital product business requires a lot of moving parts: market research, email marketing, product creation, pricing strategy, building a product ladder, writing a high converting sales page, nurture sequences, sales sequences, evergreen sales funnels, tripwires, beta launches, flash sales, gathering testimonials, digital product specific SEO and more!
When you join the DPSA, you let me worry about all of the moving parts, and you just focus on following the next step on the roadmap, knowing I’ve got everything planned and happening at exactly the right time…
DPSA is for you, if you want to…
👉 Earn more from the traffic you already have: Digital product RPMs are considerably better than RPMs from ads, affiliates and sponsored posts.
👉 Stop worrying about whether you’ll be wiped out in the next Google algorithm update: Because you don’t need those crazy-high pageviews, selling digital products makes you A LOT less dependent on Google.
👉 Be ahead of the curve: If future Google updates are bad for bloggers, guess what every blogger will be doing to try and get back the income they have lost? Get ahead of the curve by starting NOW!
👉 Have a less precarious business: If you get the majority of your traffic from Google and the majority of your income from ads, you don’t need me to tell you that is a very precarious place to be… Diversifying into digital products reduces risk and increases income – so it’s a win-win!
👉 Have a lot of fun along the way: Join a community of like-minded bloggers and online business owners who are all working towards the same goal!
Want to know what it’s like on the inside?
If you’re wondering what it’s actually like inside the Digital Product Success Academy, you can check out what other DPSAers are saying about the DPSA experience here.
Here’s a sneak peek:
“What I love about DPSA is that it is a hands-on, guided, and methodical approach to creating information products. Each step builds upon the previous one, and each task is small enough so there is no overwhelm.
Information is provided in multiple formats, which reduces confusion and fosters focus. The community is refreshingly helpful and supportive”
Michelle Dear-Moncrief, Makers Corner Crafts
“The DPSA is pretty much the best thing ever if you’re serious about making money and seeing growth with your blog. Eb is the perfect person to provide this kind of membership; her background in both marketing and teaching and then, of course, blogging is so evident and so helpful.
Having the DPSA broken down into challenges is genius. It helps keep motivation high since there is a finish line to get to and celebrate every few weeks. And each challenge is broken down into perfect bite-size pieces that are doable and not overwhelming but new and challenging at the same time.
One of my favorite things is that I know Eb has everything planned out and taken care of. I am a super detail-oriented person who wants to do everything and do it right, so it is SO nice to be able to just do what Eb says each day and trust that if something needs to be done, she will tell me and she’ll tell me how and when to do it.
My other favorite part is the DPSA Facebook Community. Having a place to go to ask questions and get feedback is invaluable — especially because Eb is so active in the group and does her best to respond to everyone’s questions.
Honestly, she really should be charging more. I 100% recommend signing up for the membership. Thank you Eb!”
Allison Clark, Give Birth Give Life
“With the information provided so far I feel much more confident that I can build a successful digital product side to my business. The way Eb delivers the information is easy to understand and follow. There is so much support from Eb and the other members of the DPSA. I am loving it so far!”
Lauren Woodger, The Scatty Mum
“If you’re looking to launch your next digital product, Digital Product Success Academy is for you. It’s not just about the easy-to-follow challenges on marketing strategy, and how to launch your product the right way. It’s also about a community of like-minded people to bounce ideas off and get feedback and help from. And I love that you get direct feedback from Eb as well.”
Mariska Ramondino, My Chef’s Apron
“As a food blogger who’s put off digital product marketing for a long time, I find Eb’s DPSA incredibly useful.
It feels like she’s done all the tedious planning for me—from starting out, to what’s needed, and how to reach my goals.
I also really enjoy the DPSA Facebook community. It’s a fantastic place to ask questions. Eb answers each one personally and provides valuable feedback and ideas. You can really tell she has a background in teaching.”
Zerrin Gunaydin, Give Recipe
If that sounds like something you’d love to be a part of, head here to find out more >>> Digital Product Success Academy
- 10 reasons why you should start selling digital products
- What is the best digital product to sell on a blog?
- How to build a successful digital product business: The 7 essential ingredients that will take you to $100K and beyond!
- The 4 key pillars of a successful digital product business
- How to finally stop living in fear of the next Google update
- How selling digital products will boost your SEO
Don’t miss a thing!
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