How to write the perfect ‘About Me’ page for your blog (with examples and worksheets)
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It’s probably one of your most visited pages and a HUGE opportunity, but are you wasting it? Here’s how to write the perfect ‘About Me’ page for your blog…
Your ‘About Me’ page is likely to be one of the most popular pages on your blog.
It’s also usually one of the most neglected pages as well! (When was the last time you updated yours???)
Writing an ‘About Me’ page can feel like pulling teeth. Most of us are not very good at writing about ourselves. It feels weird and uncomfortable, and a bit too much like showing off.
So, we tend to throw up a short bio, tick ‘write About Me page’ off the ‘to do’ list, breath a huge sigh of relief and forget all about it.
Your About Me page is actually one of the most important pages on your blog.
Because, if you get your ‘About Me’ page right, it will turn casual visitors into raving fans, passionate subscribers, followers of your social channels, enthusiastic advocates for you and your blog and (if you sell products or services) hopefully happy customers too!
We live in a world of constant information overload – you can get information about pretty much anything on the internet these days. Your potential readers don’t want MORE INFORMATION. They want to CONNECT. As human beings we are hard-wired to crave connection, and that’s why your ‘About Me’ page is so important.
In a world of faceless corporations, the really special thing about blogs is there is a real person behind a blog – an actual human being you can make a real connection with.
Your ‘About Me’ page is actually a HUGE opportunity. It’s the key to showing your readers that you are a real person and helps you build that connection with them.
It’s the page a new reader visits to learn more about the blogger behind the blog and find out why they should stick around (i.e. what’s in it for them!).
It’s where your new readers look to determine if you’re their kind of person, if you are a credible authority in your niche.
And it’s definitely a page potential customers are likely to look at when deciding whether to make a purchase from you.
But how do you do it? How do you write an ‘About Me’ page that converts a casual first-time reader, who’s stumbled in from Google, into that passionate superfan, subscriber and purchaser? Here’s how to write the perfect ‘About Me’ page for your blog…
Make it about THEM
The first rule of ‘About Me’ pages is… it’s not actually an ‘About Me’ page. It’s an ‘About You’ page.
I know, I know – we call it an ‘About Me’ page, and your newbie reader DOES want to know more about YOU. But they also want to know what’s in it for THEM.
Your ‘About Me’ page is first and foremost a way for you to tell your readers exactly WHY they should stick around on your blog, why they should trust YOU and what THEY are going to get out of it.
The best way to write a really good ‘About Me’ page is to turn the whole thing on its head and start with a simple question.
What does YOUR READER want out of your ‘About Me’ page?
And before you can answer this question you need to understand WHO your reader is. Who are you writing for?
Often bloggers have a tendency to think that they are blogging for everyone. Because they don’t want to exclude anyone and because they want to attract as many people as possible.
This is a BIG MISTAKE.
Remember back to what I said about ‘connection’. In this world we crave connection, yes. But what we really crave is connection with the RIGHT people, people who ‘get’ us, people who speak to our specific issues and problems, people who we click with.
If you try to connect with ‘everyone’, you will most likely end up connecting with no one.
Your ‘About Me’ page needs to evoke a ‘finally someone gets me’, ‘YES! I’m in the right place’, ‘I’ve found my people’, type response, if you are to turn casual readers into raving superfans.
So your first step in creating a killer ‘About Me’ page is to figure out who you are trying to reach. Who is your target audience? What does your ideal reader look like? What do they want to get out of your blog? And consequently, what can you write on your ‘About Me’ page to help them know they are in the right place?
What value do you give your readers?
Your ‘About Me’ page should be all about what value you give to your readers. It should answer the fundamental question your readers have…
What’s in it for me?
Yes, of course people want to learn more about you and connect with you, but first they want to know how YOU are going to help THEM.
So your second step to writing a great ‘About Me’ page is to figure out what is it that you hope your readers will get out of your blog? What problem does it solve? What pain points does it address? How is it going to change your readers’ lives?
Make sure you address this problem/pain point early on in your ‘About Me’ page – this will help your readers know they are in the right place. Then tell them that you can solve it. This will keep them reading on!
Here’s how I do this on my ‘About Me’ page here on Productive Blogging…
“Are you a busy blogger who is stressed out because there is always so much to do but never enough time? Or perhaps you are frustrated because you spend so much time on your blog but it never seems to yield the results you are hoping for? Or perhaps you want to start a blog but you are just not sure about the best way to go about it?
My friends, Productive Blogging is for you!”
If you are a blogger who struggles with getting #allthethings done in the time available and/or feels like you are not getting enough traffic or enough money from blogging, then you KNOW you are in the right place when you read my ‘About Me’ page and you (hopefully!) want to read on and discover my secrets!
Who is your site for (and who is it not for)
You want your ‘About Me’ page to make it crystal clear to the RIGHT people that your blog was created for THEM. So actually spell it out – say who your site is for. You want your reader to feel like you are describing them. You want them to get that tingly ‘Yes, that’s exactly me!’ feeling.
In fact, you can go one better and say who your site is NOT for too! I find doing this with humour works best.
Here’s an example from my food blog, Easy Peasy Foodie…
- easy midweek dinner inspiration,
- meal planning advice (plus FREE MEAL PLANS!)
- 30 minute meals
- meals where the oven/slow cooker does all the work
- make ahead and freezer meals
- cheats and shortcuts to making delicious and healthy(ish) food
- ideas for dinner parties and easy entertaining
- meals that don’t involve a lot of washing up
(If, however, you want recipes that take hours and use weird and wonderful ingredients, complicated cheffy techniques and fancy pants equipment, then maybe this is not quite the right blog for you…)”
I think I’ve made it abundantly clear here exactly the sort of person my food blog is for… and NOT for! I want my target audience to read through that bulleted list going ‘Yes! Yes! YES!!!’ and then read that bit in brackets and chuckle…and be even more sure that they are in the right place.
So the third step for you is to figure out how you can tell your ideal reader that your website was written for THEM!
Establish your credibility
Next you want to establish your credibility. Why should your ideal reader trust YOU? What authority do you have in this niche? Why should they listen to YOU rather than all the other bloggers who have expertise in the same area?
This part is especially important if you are selling something on your website. Your readers will need a compelling reason why they should trust you with their money.
But this matters even if you aren’t selling something. Readers want to read advice from ‘experts’ not some random blogger with a vague interest in the subject.
And, crucially, search engines want to send their users to ‘experts’ too. Your ‘About Me’ page is a really important part of your overall SEO strategy. It’s a big opportunity to tell Google et al. that you really do know what you are talking about – to establish your EAT (i.e. Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness – for a fuller explanation of ‘EAT’ see my post on 15 easy ways to improve your blog’s E-E-A-T).
Now you might be thinking, “Help! I don’t really have any expertise/authority/credibility – what do I do?”
Well, first – if that’s genuinely true – why on earth are you writing a blog about it?
But second, if you are writing a blog about it, that’s almost certainly NOT true! You probably have tons of expertise/authority/credibility – you just need to figure out what it is and explain it in a compelling way (yep, I’m sorry, that means you are going to have to start selling yourself a bit!)
Here are some ideas to try:
- Your experience – how long have you been doing it? Have you previously faced challenges in the area you’re blogging about and you’ve now overcome them?
- Your education – have you got a degree or professional qualifications in the subject your blog is about? You should definitely mention them if you have!
- Your career – is your current or a previous job related to the topic you blog about? Or do you teach your blog topic either in a professional capacity or as a hobby?
- Your personal results – have you got stats you can show to prove you know what you are talking about? For example, your own dramatic weight loss for a healthy eating blog, or your impressive Pinterest traffic for a blog that shares Pinterest secrets.
- Your readers’ results – share testimonials from satisfied customers, or readers who’ve followed your advice and got impressive results.
- Your press – have you written for or been featured in the media or websites of big players in your blog’s niche? Consider adding an ‘as featured in’ section.
Each individual credential might be small, but put them together and it starts to build a picture to your new reader that you ARE someone that they can trust.
In fact, the fact that you have a whole range of credentials, which are almost certainly different to anyone else’s credentials, is part of your USP – what sets you apart from other bloggers doing more or less the same thing.
Here’s how I have used my credentials in business, teaching AND blogging to show how I am uniquely able to help my target audience…
“An unusual resumé
And I have a unique set of skills to help you do this! I have a business degree from one of the UK’s top business schools and years of business and marketing experience – including a stint in the buying department one of the UK’s biggest retailers. I also have teaching qualifications, and spent 7 years of my life teaching English as a foreign language. I then went on to study a writing course and have some babies before embarking on my blogging career.
It’s a crazy career path, I know! But the perfect one for what I do now. After all, there can’t be many people who teach business blogging and productivity, who have a business degree, teaching qualifications, years of teaching and business experience and a successful blog under their belts!
I’ve used my business and marketing skills to grow MY BLOG and turn it into a profitable business, and now I want to use my teaching skills to help you do the same with YOUR BLOG.”
About your blog
Once you have established WHO your blog is for, WHAT you will help them with and that YOU are the right person to help them, it’s time to tell your target reader what they will find on your blog.
For example:
- what topics your blog covers
- what types of post you write
- what they will get out of reading your blog posts
- why you started your blog
Remember to keep front and centre in your mind that you are trying to help your ideal reader to feel at home and understand more about your site so that YOUR READER knows where to find the help and advice THEY need.
So, as you write this section of your ‘About Me’ page, keep your reader firmly in mind and write what THEY need to know about and what THEY will find most helpful!
You can see an example of how I do this in my ‘what to expect to find here’ section of my ‘About Me’ page on Easy Peasy Foodie.
About you!
“But Eb – I thought you said an ‘About Me’ page was all about my readers connecting with ME?”
It is! And all the way through you have been doing just that – by focusing on your reader and telling them implicitly and explicitly that you get them, that you understand their pain points, that you can help them and that they can trust you…
But now you get to personalise it and ‘seal the deal’ if you like, by letting your new reader into your ‘real life’ and telling them a bit more about who you are outside of blogging.
Here’s the place where you can add in a few more personal, relatable bits of info to help your readers really connect. Thing like:
- where you live (you don’t have to give your address, just a rough geographical location!)
- who’s in your family (do you have kids, a significant other, pets?)
- what you do when you are not blogging (your hobbies, your job if you are not a full-time blogger)
- your obsessions (Coffee? Chocolate? A certain kind of music? Handbags?)
- your quirks – what makes you ‘you’?
Share the things that make you unique. The things that your target audience might jump on an email / social media message to tell you that they too do that thing/live in that place/are obsessed by that band…
Let your personality shine through – you want your readers to fall in love, not just with what you can do for them, but also who you are.
Let your readers into your life and see the real you.
And whatever you do, don’t forget to mention your name! Names really help us connect with another person. Think about how awkward you feel when you are in a conversation with someone and can’t remember that person’s name. Well that’s how your readers feel if you don’t tell them your name! Your readers definitely won’t feel like they can connect with you if they don’t even know your name.
Don’t forget a call to action
So, you’ve done a great job at making your new reader fall in love with you and your blog. They are excited and primed for action. Don’t leave them hanging!! Make sure you end your ‘About Me’ page with a clear call to action (CTA).
A CTA tells your reader what to do NEXT. Because without a call to action, all your hard work will be wasted. They’ll move on to the next thing in their lives and quite possibly forget you and your blog exist.
A CTA encourages your readers to take action. What do you want them to do? Here are some ideas:
- sign up for your newsletter
- follow you on social media
- read a particular post (maybe your beginner’s guide, or your ‘where it all began’ post)
- visit the category that most suits their needs
Alternatively, you could give them a few options and allow them to choose depending on what they want/need. For example, on my food blog, I close with this menu of options…
Want ALL the recipes => go to my Recipe Index.
Want some quick and easy recipes for weeknight dinners => go to Easy Midweek Meal Ideas.
Want to throw a dinner party and not be stuck in the kitchen all night? => go to Easy Entertaining.
Want to get hints and tips on meal planning? => go to Meal Planning.
Want to get your hands on those free meal plans => go to Free Meal Plans.
Want to find out more about me and my plans for the coming year => go to Goal Setting.
Not sure what you want to do => take pot luck!”
I recognise that my readers may want different things, and this helps them choose what they most want to do next.
Make it visual
You know that saying “a picture is worth a thousand words?”, that’s especially true for ‘About Me’ pages! So, make sure you share plenty of photos. Photos will help your readers engage with you on an even deeper level than words alone. It also helps break up the text and illustrate what you are talking about.
First and most importantly make sure your ‘About Me’ page has your face on it! And make it a happy smiley ‘face to the camera’ photo. The exact same face that you would make when opening the door to guests visiting your house – because that’s the kind of vibe you want to create on your ‘About Me’ page. You want your readers to feel welcome and invited.
You should also try to include some photos of what your blog is about and/or you enjoying doing what your blog is about.
For example, on Easy Peasy Foodie I have pictures of my food on my ‘About Me’ page – food that I feel really sums up what my food blog is all about. Whilst on my Productive Blogging ‘About Me’ page, I have pictures of me ‘blogging’ (at my computer, writing in my notebook etc.)
Try to make sure these are your ‘best’ photos – high quality photos which show you and your subject at your very best. For best results, it’s worth hiring a professional photographer, who will translate what you are trying to convey in your ‘About Me’ page into professional, high quality, photos and a cohesive, ‘on brand’ look.
If you don’t have the budget for that right now, try and enlist a friend with a good camera to help you out!
And make sure your photos are recent and actually look like you do now. You want your readers to connect with who you really are NOW. Not who you were 20 years ago!
Keep it updated!
Finally, don’t forget to keep on updating your ‘About Me’ page. Obviously, you need to keep on top of specific facts that change (like children’s ages!).
But also, over time you will change, your blog will change, you may get more evidence of your authority and expertise, you may start offering new things on your blog (e.g. new products and/or new services) that you want to share.
Never stop working on your ‘About Me’ page. Once you’ve got it looking good, put a note in your diary to check it again in 3 or 6 months. And keep checking it regularly to make sure it’s always up to date.
Worksheets to help you write the perfect ‘About Me’ page
Want some help crafting a killer ‘About Me’ page? I’ve created some simple worksheets to help you write your perfect about me page >>>
How to choose the right niche for your blog
7 reasons why your blog needs a USP
Personal branding for bloggers
How to choose the perfect blog name
How to choose the right theme for your blog
Don’t miss a thing!
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Thanks for these tips, I’ve just updated my About Me page.
Wow that was fast, Tracey 😀 So pleased you found my tips helpful. Eb 🙂
Thanks for this helpful article! I’m including it in this week’s Notes for Writers email (
Yay – so happy you found this helpful. And thank you for including it in your Notes for Writers email! Eb 🙂
Thanks a lot. It was really helpful. I love the way you teach, it really easy to understand. Thanks
I am very pleased to hear that – thank you for this lovely feedback! Eb 🙂
Thanks so much for these great, valuable tips and giving such an easy step-by-step approach to write the perfect about-me-page.
You are welcome! I am pleased to hear you found my article so helpful. Eb 🙂
You have given some great, valuable tips that have made it easy to write a killer about me page.
That’s good to hear!
thankuu so much for the great article
You are very welcome 😀
Again i read you blog it was really valuable thanx alot
You are welcome – that’s great to hear!