Home » Blog » Email Marketing » How to stop getting unconfirmed email subscribers


  1. Hi Eb
    I’ve discovered this to be a problem. Lots of unconfirmed subscribers – about 400 of >500 and counting!
    I’ve done all what you’ve suggested. An explanatory thank you page etc.
    But the people who sign up don’t have great English. That’s why they are subscribing – to improve their English.
    So maybe despite my best intentions they are not understanding that they have to look in their spam folders, add me to their white list etc.

    I’ve sent out emails to the label group ‘not a subscriber’ and I’ve received a few subscribers. But very few ‘opens’ of the email. And of course fewer clicks.
    And only one or two bounces which I clean up.
    I’m gratified that I am getting potential Top Fans. They sign up for other freebies as well.
    And they email me with thanks.
    One thing I add to my emails is this: I suggest they create a folder in Gmail etc to store my emails to make them easy to find. I do that with your course log in emails and other general emails from you.
    I’ll keep thinking about how to improve my conversions to full subscribers with your tips here. Probably focus on the language I am using for my particular audience and the low fluency in English.

    1. Yes, I can understand that with a low level of English, some may still not understand what they need to do. But it sounds like you are doing all the right things. I think it’s also worth remembering that you will never going to manage to get everyone to convert for a whole host of reasons – some people have very chaotic / messy inboxes, others may have accidentally subscribed with an old email address they no longer use, some will change their minds and others will accidentally misspell their email address (And it might not appear as a bounce if it’s a real email address that belongs to someone else!) But keep working at it and you should see the % of conversions improve over time.

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