Your FIRST LESSON is winging it’s way to YOUR INBOX right now. Please make sure to add my email address to your address book so it doesn’t land up in your spam folder!
What to expect…
You will get an email from me very soon with a CONFIRMATION LINK. Click the link and you’ll get a second email from me with your first lesson!
The emails usually take a minute or two to come through, but sometimes it takes a little longer.
Do check your SPAM FOLDER and/or PROMOTIONS TAB in case it’s there!
What to do if you DON’t get MY EMAILS?
Normally the first email comes through pretty quickly. But if you don’t see it…
First, check your spam/junk folder or promotions tab to make sure it didn’t end up there!
Next, give it a few hours – sometimes it’s just slow!
If you STILL don’t have it – EMAIL ME and I’ll sort it out for you.
Don’t forget to add my email address to your address book so your lessons don’t land up in your spam folder!
Want more?
What can I help you with?
I want to START a blog
I want to WRITE great blog posts
I want to GROW my blog
I want to make MONEY with my blog
I want to grow my EMAIL list
I want to get tips on PRODUCTIVITY and time management
Or if you just want to go back to what you were reading before, hit BACK in your internet browser!
Let’s connect!
I’d love to connect with you on your favourite social media platform – you can find me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. and Pinterest.
And don’t forget to join the Productive Blogging Community Facebook Group!